Blue Roses Made at Home

Sometimes, you might see blue roses in a florist's shop, but every time you really want to buy one they don't have them. Roses don't come in the color blue naturally; they are artificially stained blue in a simple process. It is so simple, you can do it at home on your own anytime. You don't have to rely on your local florist anymore to get blue roses for you. You can make them yourself anytime and for any occasion.

To make blue roses, all you need is a vase or another high glass container, blue water soluble color or ink, and white roses. The roses have to be white as any other color would react with the blue you are adding, and that might give some weird results. Mix the blue color or ink with water. The mixture has to be uniformly the same blue, make sure to stir it well, therefore. The blue you get in your roses is determined by the amount of blue color you add to the water. For a darker blue stain, you need more ink, for a light blue you add less color to the water.
Get white roses from your florist's shop. Make sure they are not completely closed buds but are as much open you want to show in your creation. When the roses take up the inked water, the color damages the water transport system inside the rose stem. The rose will not open any further once you have stained it. It will remain as closed or as open as when you immersed it into the inked water.
Cut the rose stems diagonally with a knife to give a large opening to take up the water. Ideally, you never use scissors on roses so as not to squash the stems' cells which hinders the proper transport of water to the rose head. If you feel unsafe using a knife, use garden secateurs. Make sure you allow for a really large patch of cut stem to facilitate water and ink uptake. Before putting the roses into the colored water, remove the leaves that get immersed in water as they will take up most of the ink first. Put the roses into the stained water and leave them to soak up color for about 24 hours. You can remove your roses from the stained water anytime before if they show the blue you like.
After removing the roses from the inked water, cut their ends and put them into clear water to keep them fresh. You can also dry blue roses by hanging them upside down in a well-aired and dry space.
Further reading

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